Wedding Dress Party


Wedding dress party, anyone?! Women are gathering up their married friends and reliving the moment without the groom. Sounds crazy, right?! But maybe its just an excuse to get together with the girls!



Imagine renting a bed and breakfast for the weekend, which should not be too expensive if you can get a group rate. Even, Airbnb would be a great choice. Choose something charming in an eventful historic district of your favorite city. Some of the most beautiful weddings have taken place in Athens, Georgia by the way. (Hint, hint.) We recommend a historic district because the neighborhood bars and restaurants are the best and the shopping is just as nice. Everyone arrives before the big day just in time for brunch, fully stocked with mimosas, and a day of pampering: just as you did the night before your wedding years ago. Be sure to get lots of selfies of the gang walking around the establishment in cotton or satin robes duck feet with wet toenails. Final piece of advice, tuck away in your favorite satin pajamas early because the bride needs her beauty rest.


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If you decide to go all out this weekend, hire a team of hair and make-up artists and even a fashion designer to be on site for nips and tucks, if needed. This way you even wake up to pampering. OMG, what girl doesn’t want that?! The remainder of this day can go so many ways! If the establishment has a great outdoor space you all can recreate an outdoor wedding each taking your turns to walk the aisle again. Hire a photographer to recapture your moments as you are now. After years of marriage, we are sure the conversation will be juicy so need for us to steer that vehicle. Get really crazy and walk the streets of this historic city in your gowns and stir up all kinds of attention. You may make the front cover of their local magazine.


There are so many avenues you can take with a wedding dress party. But most importantly, take those closest to you on such a special trip. Don’t invite Becky who was your Matron of Honor, but has been twice removed from your life; unless you are looking for a Girls Trip kind of weekend. If you have ever hosted or been apart of a wedding dress party, please indulge us below. We are so curious!



The Tabitha Fielteau Team



Written By Gwenn McGuire


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